How I became a Dating Coach
My Bio:

I started off as many of you reading this page now. There was nothing unique or special about me. I was ordinary, I was boring and worst of all, I was only 5’4″ – a tragic combination! I led a boring life and I had little to no success with attractive women. My friends were very much the same, we would go out every weekend, Friday and Saturday, and try our hardest to pull women; we never did.
Eventually, I got myself a girlfriend, almost by chance. We met online, she was beautiful, with an amazing personality, I thought it was too good to be true when we arranged to meet up for our first date. After a few weeks, she became my girlfriend; we had an amazing 1 and half year romance.
The problem later came with my work; I was always working away during the week, only coming home on weekends. Over time this created a terrible strain on our relationship and she eventually found comfort in a close friendship with another guy. On Valentine’s day 2003, I got a phone call saying that it was over between us and that she was now with this other guy – I knew it was coming but I was too blind, stupid and naive to do anything about it. The problem was, the guy was a big powerhouse of muscle. A fireman, rich, flash car and was obviously better than me in every way. I felt helpless and worthless, a real loser.
1 year to the day of the official break up, Valentine’s day 2004, still single and quite lonely, I knew I had to do something about it. I went on a journey like no other, I set myself targets each month, I read dozens of books on dating, I attended dating seminars, studied under world-class Pick Up Artists, had dating coaching sessions, life coaching, hypnotherapy, got a personal trainer, dietitian, you name it, I did it!
2 years later in the summer of 2006, I realized that my luck had started to change. I was confident, a lot better off financially, I had numerous women calling me each week and I had just completed my first property development. The old Neil had gone, never to return. In March 2008, I came up with the idea of becoming a Dating Coach. I looked around and did my research and realised that actually, there was nothing like this around. I looked up a couple of dating coaches in the UK who were both in their late 30’s or early 40’s – I wasn’t too sure. I took some sessions which were rather dull. It was clear from the outset that they had lost touch with the modern man and woman, the tips and techniques were just so outdated. Not only that, some of the teachings were very basic and I had far outgrown and learned the advice on an advanced level already. I was quite confident at this stage and thought I would give it one more shot to find a better dating coach, so I took a flight to California to have a full 2-day coaching course. The course was great, very advanced and I learned a lot. It gave me the drive and passion to get things started when I got back to the UK. Well worth the $2000 fee.
Present: 2010
I started this site in early September 2009 after much deliberating, I needed to be sure of the best approach to get my advice out there to as wide a market as possible. I decided that this site would be first and foremost about helping people.
I am not driven by wealth, I am driven by success and the success of others. I want to help people to achieve what they know they can achieve but just aren’t too sure how to go about doing it.
This year alone I am taking a Master Practitioner Course in NLP to add to my already good knowledge on NLP or as it is widely known ‘the subject of excellence.’ As well as taking this course I am also taking other professional qualifications with world-class teaching bodies so that I can offer you the very best in Coaching. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me better.